English Oak

(Quercus Robur)

Location: The labeled tree is left of No. 5 near the 200 yard marker.  There are many English Oaks on the course as it serves as one of the background palate trees in the course tree plan.  Larger examples are left of the No. 12 fairway, right of the No. 16 fairway opposite the fairway bunker and right of No. 10 near the pump house.

Tree Information: This plant, also sometimes called Pedunculate Oak, is common in Europe and North America.  They can become very large and are long lived. The largest circumference trees in England (40 feet-The Majesty Oak) and in Northern Europe (33 feet-the Kaive Oak) are English Oaks. There are famous examples of the plant in England documented to be over 1,000 years old.

Size: English Oaks can reach 75 to 100  feet or more in height with a comparable spread.  The average, under landscape conditions, is 40 to 80 feet.  National champion in Olympia, WA is 108' by 103'.

Growth Rate: Average 1'4" per year in Midwest climates, faster here in Walla Walla.

Foliage Description: Alternate simple leaves 2 to 5 inches long.  Key feature is an earlobe-like leaf base (auriculate).  Leaves are dark green to blue-green in summer.  In the fall, leaves turn a nondescript brown or fall while still green. You will note the ‘peduncle’ on the acorn that gives it its alternative name.

USDA Hardiness Zones :  4 to 8

Provenance:  This tree was planted at the beginning of the Tree program at Walla Walla Country Club in 1996.  It was obtained from Schichtel's Nursery by way of Birch Creek Garden Company. The original trees were original Olmsted Park stock.