Tree Program

The arboreal infrastructure of the Walla Walla Country Club has changed over the past 30 years. What was once an essential monoculture of Black Locust trees has evolved through the comprehensive reforestation program into a diverse group of plantings.  To better acquaint the membership with the plants they now own we have begun a labeling project to allow members to identify and understand the nature of the background plantings which define their course.  The labels identify the plants. The associated QR reference codes allow the members to learn more about the plants generally and the labeled plants in particular. (The QR codes can be read by any smart phone with a QR reader APP installed and will direct the user to the appropriate web page.)    We plan to increase the number of labeled trees over time. Currently there are 39 plants that we think you will find interesting that have labels.

Select a tree from the list to find out more about it!

View History of Tree Program